Friday, July 31, 2009

Joshua Foss Thrives - Design Green - Blog on Interior Design

My business partner at Thrive Design Studio was recently featured by Penny Bonda on her blog.
Joshua Foss Thrives - Design Green - Blog on Interior Design

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Save antibiotics for people, not poultry. -

"Pop quiz: Most antibiotics in the United States are used for (a) healthy farm animals or (b) people with potentially life-threatening infections?

The answer, by a long shot, is healthy farm animals. Over the past 60 years, antibiotics have transformed once-deadly infections in humans — tuberculosis, pneumonia and typhoid — into treatable, mostly survivable illnesses. But some 70 percent of the antibiotics consumed in this country are used on healthy farm animals."

To read the full article go to Save antibiotics for people, not poultry. -

Friday, July 10, 2009

Corporate Citizenship Study

This study on CSR show that people think people are more important than the planet.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Debate over using anti-microbials in livestock

From the San Francisco Chronicle

Debate over using anti-microbials in livestock:

"Calls for transparency...Consumers shouldn't need a degree in zoology to read labels,' said Charles Hansen, the executive director of the Truthful Labeling Coalition, an organization representing the natural chicken industry. The group spearheaded a successful lawsuit against Tyson Foods for advertising that its poultry was raised without antibiotics, despite the fact that the company was injecting its chickens with ionophores before they hatched."